As of March 16, 2023, we have moved to remote delivery of services and programs in alignment with OSU’s response to reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19. Learn about our remote delivery below and find specific COVID-19 resources at

At Community Engagement & Leadership, we believe the world should be a more just place for everyone. We believe that everyone's actions matter and that OSU students have the power to shape the world. Through engaging students in self exploration, community engaged learning, direct service, and advocacy in the greater Corvallis community, we cultivate leaders and change-makers. We work to create more caring and equitable communities. Join us!

Imagine a better world, make it happen!

As part of the COVID-19 response at Oregon State University, Community Engagement & Leadership has transitioned to a fully remote model for spring term in respect of physical distancing practices. If you would like to speak to someone within our office please email us. We are also available via phone at 541-737-3041 (leave a voicemail and we will return your call).

Please be sure to stay up to date on University communications on this matter at OSU COVID-19 Website.

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In Fall 2023, we will be offering a mix of in-person and online programs, ranging from service projects, community dialogues, lessons in leadership and more!

Registration for these events will be available here on our homepage, so please check back for updates.  We look forward to seeing you!

CEL sends a weekly newsletter sharing upcoming events, fun announcements, and job or internship opportunities. Sign up to stay in the loop!
Service Projects
In addition to the service projects offered during days of service and action weeks, the CEL provides stand-alone service projects at various times throughout the year. We provide transportation to and from the activity. We also host a wide array of service opportunities on Ideal-Logic, our community service database.
Register to Vote
Register to Vote
We make sure you always know when elections are happening, and have the information you need to vote with confidence. Sign up to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, & apply for your absentee ballot!
Request a Workshop
CEL offers workshops for student groups, classes, residence halls and more.

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